CN to Modernize 60 Additional Locomotives with Wabtec

CN and Wabtec Corporation announced an order to enhance an additional 60 locomotives in CN’s existing fleet through Wabtec’s modernization program. The investment supports CN’s commitment to drive growth in a sustainable manner and build success for customers, employees and communities.

The modernizations will help to improve locomotive fuel efficiency, where CN remains a leader in the North American rail industry, consuming approximately 15% less locomotive fuel per gross ton mile than the industry average. The program supports CN’s science-based target to reduce its Scope 1 and 2 emissions by 43% per gross ton mile by 2030 from a 2019 base year, and with CN’s commitment to setting a net-zero 2050 carbon emission target aligned to a 1.5-degree scenario.

Wabtec’s Services team will modernize CN’s 60 certified pre-owned Dash-9 locomotives to bring the total modernized fleet to 110 locomotives. The company will transform the locomotives from DC to AC powered traction and will feature enhancements such as the FDL Advantage engine upgrade and a suite of digital solutions including Trip Optimizer, and LOCOTROL Distributed Power. These upgrades are expected to extend the life of the locomotives and provide benefits, including targeted fuel efficiency improvements of up to 18% through a combination of engine and digital technology enhancements, a more than 40% increase in reliability, and up to a 55% increase in pulling power. The total program is expected to enable CN to realize up to 50,000 metric tons in annual greenhouse gas emission reductions, the equivalent of removing nearly 10,700 non-electric passenger cars. Additionally, the modernization order will reuse or recycle approximately 11,000 metric tons of steel.

-via Press Release




This article was posted on: July 27, 2023