by Kermit E. Geary, Jr./photos by the author
On the weekend of August 7-8-9, 2021, Jim Fetchero of Charlotte, N.C., chartered three rare mileage trips on three western New York short lines. These were initially scheduled for June 2020, but with the State of New York isolating itself due to COVID-19, the trips were postponed until summer 2021 – year and two months later. The trips were open to Jim’s friends and associates, along with a limited number of public ticket sales. The three trips covered every inch of available trackage and included photo stops and runbys at scenic locations.
The grand event started Saturday, August 7, with a trip on the Falls Road, a GVT operation which featured an RS-11 and the excursion trainset owned by the Medina (N.Y.) Railroad Museum. Departure from Lockport, N.Y., in brilliant sunshine started with a reverse move to the CSX interchange, then east to Medina.

ABOVE: The Falls Road Flyer poses on “upside down” bridge over Erie Canal in Lockport, N.Y.
After a visit to the museum and many photo opportunities in town, the train departed east to end-of-track east of Brockport, N.Y. A final photo-stop was held at the crossing of the Erie Canal in Lockport, N.Y. A brisk hike allowed the photographers a fantastic image of the RS-11 crossing the “upside down’ high bridge over the canal and locks. Many thanks to the Falls Road crew who went well beyond in their efforts to provide an interesting experience for their riders. Thanks also to the staff and management of the Medina Railroad Museum, without whose help this trip would not have been possible…