U.S. Postal Service Celebrates Riding the Rails

The U.S. Postal Service will commemorate the history and romance of train travel by unveiling Railroad Stations Forever stamps at the spectacular art deco Union Terminal in Cincinnati. The first-day-of-issue event is free and open to the public, to be held on Thursday, March 9, at 11 a.m. EST, at Cincinnati Union Terminal,1301 Western Avenue, Cincinatti, Ohio 45203. The new stamps feature  five architectural gems that continue to play an important role in their communities: Tamaqua Station in Pennsylvania; Point of Rocks Station in Maryland; Main Street Station in Richmond, VA; Santa Fe Station in San Bernardino, CA; and Union Terminal in Cincinnati. Just as the railroad represents progress and movement, railroad stations hold stories of industry and commerce, of migration and hope for the future, of reunions and goodbyes. They are gateways and crossroads where lives meet. All five of the stations featured on these stamps are listed in the U.S. Department of the Interior’s National Register of Historic Places.

U.S. Postal Service Honors the Spirit of Train Travel with New Railroad Station Stamps

-via Press Release


This article was posted on: February 10, 2023