Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf announced the approval of 24 rail freight improvement projects that will enhance freight mobility while creating or sustaining more than 340 jobs across Pennsylvania. The State Transportation Commission voted to approve $26 million for the following projects through the Rail Transportation Assistance Program (RTAP) and the Rail Freight Assistance Program (RFAP).
Pennsylvania has 65 operating railroads, which is more than any other state. PennDOT is committed to working with private rail operators and rail-served businesses to construct new rail lines and assist in maintaining and improving Pennsylvania’s roughly 5,600 miles of freight lines.
Following is a list of the 24 approved rail freight projects with the state share:
Allegheny County:
- Allegheny Raw Materials: $1.1 million to reconstruct a rail siding with a rail scale to serve a metal recycling facility; and
- Allegheny Valley Railroad: $1.6 million to construct new track to an engine house and rehabilitate tracks in Glenwood Yard; and
- Mulach Steel, d/b/a Chapman Properties: $728,000 to rehabilitate multiple areas of track within the Leetsdale Industrial Park.
Allegheny and Washington Counties:
- Pittsburgh and Ohio Central Railroad: $700,000 to rehabilitate approximately 4.5 miles of track by replacing rails and ties and track surfacing.
Berks County:
- Refined Plastics: $554,000 to rehabilitate approximately 2,000 feet of track and construct 500 feet of track to a transload facility.
Bradford County:
- R.J. Corman Railroad- Lehigh Line: $690,000 to rehabilitate over 2 miles of track with tie replacement, switch replacement, and track surfacing; and
- Shale Rail: $613,000 to rehabilitate approximately 2,000 feet of track with tie replacement, rail replacement, and track surfacing.
Cambria, Clearfield, and Clinton Counties:
- RJ Corman Railroad: $3 million to rehabilitate approximately 24 miles of track with tie replacement and track surfacing.
Cameron County:
- Western New York & Pennsylvania Railroad: $1.4 million to rehabilitate approximately 23 miles of track with tie replacement and track surfacing.
Centre County:
- SEDA-COG Joint Rail Authority: $955,000 to rehabilitate track and re-align wye near Bellefonte Yard and replace a switch on the main line.
Chester County:
- Cleveland-Cliffs Plate: $1.4 million to rehabilitate yard tracks and turnouts at the Melt Shop facility.
Clearfield, Elk, Jefferson, and McKean Counties:
- Buffalo & Pittsburgh Railroad: $2.6 million to rehabilitate approximately 20 miles of track with new ties and upgrade radio control switches.
Clinton County:
- Pine Creek Seed Holdings: $1.9 million to construct approximately a 1,000 foot siding to provide new rail access; and
- South Avis Realty: $559,000 to rehabilitate yard tracks and raise a section of track to improve transloading.
Erie County:
- IRG Erie: $509,000 to construct a rail siding to a new plastic recycling plant; and
- West Erie Short Line: $270,000 to rehabilitate approximately 1 mile of track including tie replacement and drainage improvements.
Franklin County:
- Franklin Storage: $1.3 million to construct a 1,100-foot siding and unloading equipment to expand rail capacity.
Lackawanna and Luzerne Counties:
- Redevelopment Authority of Luzerne County: $524,000 to rehabilitate approximately 2.5 miles of track by replacing ties, replacing a switch, and improving a grade crossing.
Lackawanna and Monroe Counties:
- Delaware-Lackawanna Railroad: $1.1 million to rehabilitate 3 bridges and a culvert on the Carbondale line.
Lawrence County:
- Kasgro Rail Corporation: $172,000 to construct a section of track to connect adjacent tracks.
Lycoming County:
- Penn Recycling: $202,000 to rehabilitate a rail siding and extend it by 300 feet to improve rail car capacity.
Mifflin County:
- Integrity Commercial Investments: $119,000 to rehabilitate and re-align tracks to improve rail and truck access.
Union County:
- Country View Family Farms: $3 million to construct a 110-car capacity loop track and unloading equipment to provide new rail service to the feed mill.
York County:
- York Railway: $1.3 million to rehabilitate tracks in the Lincoln Yard including 250 feet of new connecting track.
For more information on PennDOT rail funding programs visit the department’s Rail Freight and Ports page.
-via Press Release