Norfolk Southern Corporation President and CEO Alan H. Shaw and leaders of 12 Norfolk Southern labor unions sent a joint letter Tuesday underscoring their shared goal of partnering together to drive continuous improvement in rail safety at the company. The letter was sent to all Norfolk Southern craft and management employees. The signatories wrote in the letter:
Today, national labor leaders and Norfolk Southern management are committing to work together to enhance rail safety for our people and the communities we serve. We won’t agree on everything. That’s okay. Our belief in the importance of safety unites us. We want our people to show up to work every day knowing their employer and their union are working diligently to help them do their jobs safely.
We will collaborate, consult experts, review best practices, and listen to the people closest to the work. Working together – and broadening the conversation to ensure everyone plays a part – is the best way to achieve meaningful improvement. We will remain open-minded, nimble, and fact-based, making changes as we learn. Along the way we will continue to look for other ways to collaborate to improve the quality of life for our colleagues.
Union representatives signing the letter include the national presidents of the American Train Dispatchers Association; Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen; Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employes; Brotherhood of Railroad Signalmen; International Association of Sheet Metal, Air, Rail and Transportation Workers – Transportation Division; and Transportation Communications Union.
Union signatories also included leaders from six unions representing the Norfolk Southern shopcraft coalition: Brotherhood of Railway Carmen; International Association of Sheet Metal, Air, Rail and Transportation Workers – Mechanical Division; International Brotherhood of Boilermakers, Iron Ship Builders, Blacksmiths, Forgers and Helpers; International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers; National Conference of Firemen & Oilers; and Transport Workers Union.
via Press Release