New Subway Map Features Nine Newly Accessible Stations and Historic Renaming

Subway riders will spot some new features the next time they see a new jumbo subway map when using a station, waiting on the platform, or riding the train. New York City Transit has made some updates that reflect newly accessible stations, a rare station renaming, a new free transfer and recent service restoration.

A significant addition to the maps, which are in the process of being rolled out to stations and subway cars throughout the system, is the added icon to indicate stations that have become accessible since the last printed map. Nine newly accessible stations appear in printed editions and the Chambers St J SubwayZ Subway station in Manhattan, which has recently become accessible, is featured on website and app maps. Several more newly accessible stations will be opened by the end of 2020.

Two stations, along the 2 Subway5 Subway lines in Brooklyn, have been renamed. Franklin Avenue, which also runs on the 3 Subway4 Subway, is now Franklin Avenue-Medgar Evers College. President Street has become President Street-Medgar Evers College.

New York City Transit station workers have updated all signage at both stations following Governor Andrew M. Cuomo’s announcement in June that the stations would be renamed to honor the CUNY school’s historic contributions to the Brooklyn communities it serves and stand as a living tribute to Medgar Evers, the civil rights icon whose name the college proudly carries.

The updated maps show the recently added free out-of-system transfer between Junius St 3 Subway and Livonia Av L Subway in Brooklyn, plus the restoration of N Subway express service in the Sunset Park neighborhood of Brooklyn. This kind of transfer is one of only two free out-of- system transfers, the other being between Lexington Av-59 St N SubwayR SubwayW Subway4 Subway5 Subway6 Subway and Lexington Av-53 St F SubwayQ Subway.

Indicating accessible stations on subway maps provides critical information for customers who rely on accessibility features to navigate the transit system. New York City Transit has 130 accessible stations throughout the system, including five along Staten Island Railway. Four of the stations listed below were completed this past summer coinciding with the 30th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act. The upgrades move forward amid a backdrop of significant financial uncertainty surrounding the MTA’s 2020-2024 Capital Plan due to the COVID-19 pandemic, resultant ridership losses, and the MTA’s unprecedented measures to keep employees and customers safe. The capital plan included a historic, $5.2 billion commitment to expanding the number of accessible subway stations by more than 50% and ensuring that no customer would be more than two stations away from an accessible station.

The subway stations recently made accessible and newly shown on the map are:


  • 28 St 6 Subway – southbound only
  • 86 St 6 Subway – northbound local only
  • 1 Av L Subway


  • New Utrecht N Subway
  • 8 Av N Subway – northbound only
  • 62 St D Subway
  • 86 St R Subway
  • Bedford Av L Subway


  • Astoria Blvd N SubwayW Subway

For more information on accessible stations, click here.

To view online subway maps, click here.

-via Press Release

This article was posted on: September 30, 2020