MTA Moving Forward with Capital Projects

Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) officials detailed an update to the Authority’s 2020-24 Capital Program that adjusts mass transportation needs for a post-COVID world. In a presentation to the MTA Board’s Capital Program Committee, MTA Construction & Development President Jamie Torres-Springer put forward a proposed capital program amendment that allows the MTA to move projects along at a faster pace, offers support for megaproject expansions and rebalances priorities while accounting for the pandemic’s impact on external factors such as inflation, supply chain and labor market issues.

The proposed amendment builds on the accelerated pace at which the MTA has completed projects during the pandemic, when it took advantage of low ridership to complete accessibility and signal modernization projects. Among the projects included are acceleration of accessibility upgrades at eight LIRR stations; modernization of the signal system on the  A, C,  and  F lines in Brooklyn and Manhattan; Track Trespassing initiatives including the Platform Screen Doors pilot, cameras, and other technologies; bike and pedestrian accessibility at bridge and tunnel crossings; and renewal of Metro-North Railroad’s viaduct along Park Avenue in East Harlem.

-via Press Release

This article was posted on: July 26, 2022