Biden-Harris Administration Announces $11 Billion in Grants and Financing for Nation’s Most Complex Infrastructure Project, the Hudson River Tunnel

Today, one of the largest infrastructure projects in American history took a huge step forward with billions of dollars in support from the Biden-Harris Administration and the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law. The Hudson River Tunnel project will construct a critical new rail tunnel between New York and New Jersey along a vital economic corridor – just one area of focus for investment across the country as part of the Biden-Harris Administration’s $66 billion investment in passenger rail. It represents the largest project in the history of the U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT).

Today in New York, USDOT officials:

When the new tunnel and the rehabilitated tunnel open, estimated by 2038, the project will provide four modern rail tunnels for Amtrak and NJ Transit trains. In addition, the project will provide the capability to significantly expand capacity in the future.

Additional project benefits include building resiliency and safeguarding rail operations against future extreme weather events, managing floods on both sides of the Hudson River, and creating a safer environment for first responders, maintenance workers, and the public, especially in the event of an evacuation.

-via Press Release

This article was posted on: July 8, 2024